101 Simple Acts of Kindness
1. Smile at strangers.
2. Hold the door open for someone.
3. Give a sincere compliment.
4. Leave a generous tip.
5. Pay for the person behind you in line.
6. Send a handwritten thank-you note.
7. Volunteer at a local charity.
8. Donate clothes to a shelter.
9. Share your umbrella in the rain.
10. Help a neighbor with yard work.
11. Bake cookies for coworkers.
12. Leave a positive online review.
13. Offer to babysit for a friend in need.
14. Donate blood.
15. Bring in your neighbor's trash bins.
16. Give up your seat on public transportation.
17. Write a letter to a friend.
18. Call a family member just to chat.
19. Share homegrown vegetables or fruits.
20. Compliment someone to their boss.
21. Donate books to a library.
22. Clean up litter in a park.
23. Make a playlist for someone.
24. Offer directions to someone who's lost.
25. Share a meal with a homeless person.
26. Leave a book in a public place for someone to find.
27. Donate to a food bank.
28. Send a care package to a soldier.
29. Help someone with their groceries.
30. Tell a manager about the great service you received.
31. Offer to take a photo for tourists.
32. Leave change in a vending machine.
33. Visit a nursing home.
34. Teach someone a skill you know.
35. Plant a tree.
36. Give someone a plant or flowers.
37. Offer to make someone a cup of tea or coffee.
38. Lend an ear to someone who needs to talk.
39. Run an errand for someone.
40. Share your expertise for free.
41. Create and give away art.
42. Pick up groceries for an elderly neighbor.
43. Leave a kind note for someone.
44. Share your lunch with someone.
45. Invite someone new to your friend group.
46. Spread positive gossip.
47. Let someone go ahead of you in line.
48. Share your favorite recipe.
49. Give a sincere apology when needed.
50. Repair something for someone.
51. Offer to drive someone to an appointment.
52. Share a discount code or coupon.
53. Compliment someone genuinely.
54. Help a friend move.
55. Share an inspiring article or video.
56. Bring snacks to share at work or school.
57. Donate used toys to a children's hospital.
58. Offer your seat to someone on a crowded bus or train.
59. Help a coworker with a project.
60. Give someone a book you think they'd like.
61. Start a conversation with someone who looks shy.
62. Donate unused computer equipment to a school.
63. Teach an elderly person to use technology.
64. Help an animal in need.
65. Participate in a charity walk or run.
66. Offer your expertise to a local nonprofit.
67. Buy from local small businesses.
68. Share your umbrella with someone.
69. Listen empathetically without giving advice.
70. Give someone the benefit of the doubt.
71. Create a bird feeder for your garden.
72. Recommend a friend for a job.
73. Share your meal with someone who's hungry.
74. Say "thank you" to service workers.
75. Offer to pet sit for a traveling friend.
76. Support a friend's business or project.
77. Donate to a crowdfunding campaign.
78. Help a stranger carry a heavy load.
79. Leave a positive message on someone's social media.
80. Make someone laugh.
81. Offer your parking spot to someone else.
82. Teach a child something new.
83. Engage with a lonely person in conversation.
84. Donate old towels or blankets to an animal shelter.
85. Share your knowledge by tutoring someone.
86. Be patient with sales and service staff.
87. Hide a happy note for someone to find.
88. Compliment someone's pet.
89. Hold the elevator for someone.
90. Offer a sincere smile to everyone you meet.
91. Send an encouraging text to a friend.
92. Let a car merge into your lane with a wave and a smile.
93. Return a lost item you found.
94. Show interest in someone's story.
95. Give someone a homemade gift.
96. Offer your help without being asked.
97. Use reusable bags to help the environment.
98. Encourage someone's dreams and ambitions.
99. Share your table with someone in a crowded cafeteria.
100. Give someone a heartfelt hug.
101. Say "I love you" to someone you care about.